Therapy for adults who experience Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, PTSD

or who want to unburden from the weights of daily life

Online/Telephone appointments available
7am-10pm | Monday to Sunday

Hi, I am Gabriela

I am a humanistic integrative counsellor, which is a fancy way of saying

- that I believe that you are able to self-determine the path your life takes and that you have the strength and resources to achieve your desired outcomes;

- and that I will incorporate aspects of different therapeutic approaches during our work together and tailor each session in a way that suits you best.

I specialise in counselling individuals who are experiencing the effects of Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, PTSD or Complex/Continuous-PTSD, or who want to unburden themselves from the weights of daily life.

I offer trauma informed therapy, including the Rewind Technique and Guided Imagery, see below for more information.

I am approachable and friendly, whilst also being pragmatic and straight-talking when necessary.  I am personal choice and neuro affirming, and welcome you as you are.

If any of this sounds familiar

* Are you stuck or continuing to experience the same patterns of behaviour, no matter how hard you try to change?

 * Are you struggling with feelings or memories connected to your life experiences or traumatic event(s)?

 * Do you find yourself overwhelmed by repetitive thoughts or over-analysing everything?

* Are you experiencing any of the effects of Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, PTSD or Complex/Continuous-PTSD?

* Would you like greater clarity and understanding of what is happening for you right now?

Then I am here for you

I offer a safe and non-judgemental space where you can just be you!

 Each session provides dedicated time that gives you an opportunity to:

~ Explore what is happening in your life right now

~ Reflect on how previous experiences could be impacting you today

~ Discover what changes are possible for you to make

~ Determine a way forward that works for you right now


We will work together to help you navigate into a future of your choosing

Rewind Technique

  • The Rewind Technique is a safe and non-intrusive method for detraumatising anyone experiencing PTDS or Complex / Continuous-PTSD.
  • It does not require you to tell me specific details of the traumatic event(s) and can be done as many times as necessary.
  • The Rewind Technique helps to stop involuntary recall of traumas and to disconnect the memories from unwanted flight/fight reactions.
  • It can stop or reduce the impact of intrusive thoughts, anxiety, flashbacks, avoidance and nightmares.
  • Benefits are experienced by up to 85% of clients after a couple of sessions.

Guided Imagery & Visualisation

  • Guided Imagery & Visualisation  is a gentle therapeutic relaxation technique that helps to calm your sympathetic nervous system ( which exists to prepare you for emergency responses in endangering situations, also known as the “fight-or-flight” response).
  • It can quickly reduce heightened physiological symptoms such as faster breathing, increased sweating or heart rate.
  • Guided Imagery & Visualisation helps you to move forward from depression, overcome anxiety and combat panic attacks.
  • It can help you take control of problem behaviours, reframe life circumstances or to make lifestyle changes.

How many sessions are the right amount?

Many of my clients prefer regular weekly appointments when they first start, often finding that an initial block of six to eight sessions works well to address their most immediate issues or concerns. 

Clients often return in the future, either for ad-hoc sessions or another block of weekly appointments. This can be helpful to further consider options or explore things in more depth.

Schedule free 15-minute introductory conversation