I have questions before wanting to commit.

I offer a free 15-minute introductory conversation (Online or by Telephone) to answer your queries.

Can I see your contract?

Do I have to complete any other paperwork?

I will invite you to complete a pre-appointment questionnaire.

Why do you ask me to pay 24 hours in advance of the appointment time?

This confirms to both of us that to the best of our ability, we are committed to each other for the allocated time. When arranging a session with me, you are asking me to invest my resources in you (preparation, time, energy, focus, presence) to the exclusion of me being able to invest my resources in anyone or anything else in advance of and during your appointment time. In return, I ask for a similar investment from you via your payment.

Why do you only work Online or by Telephone?

Because I want as many people as possible to have the opportunity to access counselling.

Remote working is an ideal option for anyone who is restricted e.g. illness, disability, caring responsibilities; lives in an area where face-to-face services are limited; travels a lot; has a busy schedule; or just prefers the reassurance and comfort of their own surroundings.

Online and telephone therapy provides flexibility to schedule appointments out of 'normal' work hours.

Do you offer Pre-Trial Therapy?

No, I do not offer pre-trial therapy. 

Do you work with clients who live anywhere in the world?

My professional counselling work is subject to English Law within the Exclusive Jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales only. Due to regulatory and statutory restrictions, I am not able to work with clients resident in the USA/Canada and certain other countries with international or local sanctions. Please contact me if you would like to check if we can work together.

Are you a crisis service?

No, I am not a crisis service.  If you need to speak to someone straightaway, please call the Samaritans on 116 123 or NHS 111 for 24/7 help.

More questions? 

I welcome you to get in touch